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Insert dynamic content in emails based on segments
Email Growth Tactics Playbook
Email Growth Playbook
Insert dynamic content in emails based on segments
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Marketers personalize their email marketing campaigns by adding contact properties such as the recipient's first name or company in the email content. It’s possible to go even further into personalization by dynamically displaying content based on the segments subscribers belong to. This helps email marketers get higher engagement.

For example, you can create a section with a promo code, and decide to display it only to contacts on your loyalty program where other regular customers won’t see it. Or, if you are preparing your weekly newsletter and you have an event coming up in NYC, you can spread the word to your audience living in New York by using dynamic sections to promote your event. Then, display the section only to the segment of your contacts living in the Big Apple. This way, you can create ultra-targeted and personalized emails and increase the click rates of your emails.
How to create a dynamic email
To better personalize your email campaigns, choose an Email Service Provider (ESP) with personalizable features and set up your dynamic sections:
Choose the section of your email you want to personalize (messaging, images…) and add a condition by selecting the segment of contacts you want to display this section to.
Before sending your email, make sure you’ve selected the right segments for each dynamic section. You can display your email by segment and preview the personalized content of your campaign as your recipients in each segment will see it.
In order to make the most of these dynamic sections, make sure your segments are well defined in advance so that you can create as many options and sections as you want.
Companies who are personalising experiences are seeing, on average, a 19% uplift in sales.
Previous tactic
Include interactive content within your emails
Next tactic
Insert effective calls-to-action in emails
Pro Tip
Dynamic sections can be especially useful to differentiate what you’re offering to your contacts according to their conversion stage in order to move them efficiently through the conversion funnel.
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